This is a story of Baltimore's underbelly. Set in the 1990s, a decade of citywide crime, the Army has left veteran Michael Bowers cynical, and unsettled over his future. With a wife, and a newborn on the way, a chance meeting with family friend and sociopathic millionaire Sonny Warner ushers Michael into the hierarchy of illegal gambling, a gray area of the city ripe for exploitation.
They control the cities' pendulum of power.
This alters Michael's life forever as his decision-making and sensibility derail himself and his family. Along the way, Michael and Sonny's lives intertwine with unassuming but curious Lieutenant Jessica Silver, undergoing a high stakes "investigation" of her own. With the odds stacked against her among her male counterparts, and secrecy as a code of honor around the department, she soon reconsiders whether her suspects are really the ones who need investigating, in this story of greed, trust and conspiracy.
New. Paperback.